Hernia Surgeon

Hernia Surgeon

About Hernias

What is a hernia?

A hernia is hole or defect in the abdominal wall. Hernias are common and may occur at natural points of weakness such as the groin or the navel (umbilicus), or at the site of a scar from a previous operation. When you stand up, cough or strain the intestine pushes out through the hole so you see or feel a swelling under the skin. The swelling will usually disappear when you lie down.

Is a hernia painful?

When the hernia is ‘out’, you may feel discomfort , but severe pain is unusual. Sometime there is a burning feeling into the testicle or top of the thigh. The diagnosis can be confirmed by an experienced surgeon, and usually no further tests are necessary.

Is there always a swelling?

I have a pain in my groin, but I can’t see swelling – could I have a hernia? You may have what is called a sportsman’s hernia or some form of groin strain. There are special xrays and scans that can be carried out to find out.

Do I need an operation?

When the hernia is ‘out’, you may feel discomfort , but severe pain is unusual. Sometime there is a burning feeling into the testicle or top of the thigh. The diagnosis can be confirmed by an experienced surgeon, and usually no further tests are necessary.

What happens if I do nothing, if I justleave it?

The hernia will gradually enlarge in size, become more uncomfortable and more of a nuisance. Sometimes (rarely) a piece of bowel becomes trapped in the hernia. This is called strangulation. It is a dangerous situation and requires an emergency operation. It is one of the reasons that it is usually better to deal with the hernia early.